Recent school visits
Seven more schools were visited April – June, to give teaching on integrity and avoiding corruption. Integrity clubs are set up, to maintain the impact after the visit.
Seven more schools were visited April – June, to give teaching on integrity and avoiding corruption. Integrity clubs are set up, to maintain the impact after the visit.
IGI-C is supporting its work in the medical sector by a handy smartphone app that enables the public to report corruption instantly, for further investigation. The app is shortly to be rolled out more widely, in the hope of...
showed that Kenyans really care – about… Nepotism and cronyism in appointments; Unfair distribution of tax resources; Corrupt procurement of public goods and services; “Disappearance” of funds earmarked for educating poor children; Waste; ...
The recent spate of street protests against the Kenyan government’s tax proposals mark a new phase in public life. Previously, opposition in Kenya always seemed to come from the competing politicians. This time it’s popular pressure. Young people used...
“Honesty and integrity elevates a nation, but fraud and dishonesty is destructive to any people…” It was a tremendous privilege and blessing for two of the IGI UK trustees (Paul New – Chairman of IGI UK and Andrew Bennett)...
Research by Transparency International shows a relationship between high levels of corruption and a country’s failure to achieve MDGs such as maternal health, even when corrected for absolute level of poverty. Read the full report.
The Municipal Council’s Business Management and Public Service Fellowships is a powerful tool for improving performance and governance in Buea Cameroon. It is a ground-breaking collaboration between the Council and IGI in Cameroon (FITCAM) – read all about the...
It was announced that 99% of voters voted for the incumbent, President Kagame. To European eyes, the level of acceptance of Kagame’s leadership seems suspicious, to say the least.
The elections were preceded by violence and abuses, and major irregularities in reporting the results have led to annullment by the Kenyan Supreme Court.
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