We're an international network of
active citizens working mainly in Africa...
...fighting fraud, corruption
and abuse of power...
...mobilising communities,
providing education and training...
...promoting a culture of
honesty and accountability...
...based on a Christian ethos.

IGI Cameroon Launches Parallel Review of UNCAC Implementation

UNCAC is the only universally binding anticorruption mechanism, and has been ratified by 188 countries as well as the European Union. Its Implementation Review Mechanism (IRM) is a multi-stage peer review process involving the review of each country’s implementation by two peers – one from the same UN region and one from another one.

IGI has just signed a partnership agreement with the UN organisation responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Convention to participate in the national UNCAC review in Cameroon for its second cycle (period 2015-2024, Chapters II on Preventative Measures and V on Asset Recovery). IGI Cameroon will provide a civil society report on Cameroon’s implementation of these UNCAC Chapters. Civil society parallel reports are vital as an independent perspective on national UNCAC implementation from a more critical perspective than government reports. The recommendations of civil society reports can provide additional impetus for reform efforts. They are crucial in holding governments to account for implementation of the anti-corruption measures, as well as feeding back to UN on the effectiveness of the UNCAC process.