Update on Buea Project – March 2015
Buea update
Buea update
In the period January to June 2014 FITCAM continued its multi-faceted work to change the culture of Cameroon to make corruption unacceptable: Exposing corruption: FITCAM is the local representative for the South West and North West regions of Cameroon...
RIG Summer 2014
IGI Somalia has continued its programme of consultations and seminars on corruption issues, including an awareness campaign in Mogadishu University, participation in local FM radio discussions of corruption issues in Somalia. They have also held partnership discussions with some...
Rwanda Initiative for Governance celebrated the UN International Day of Peace on 21 September 2013. Rwanda International Day of Peace
According the Global Corruption Barometer 2013 by transparency International on 11 July 2013 Rwanda among the least in the Region. The corruption trends in East Africa show that Rwanda is the least bribery-prone country in the region with an...
“The Fight Against Corruption – Achievements, Challenges and Future Prospects” – a major recent conference in UK offers intriguing insights.
Available in English
MUHIRE Hilaire (Chairman) outlines what Rwanda Initiatives for Governance (RIG) have been up this last six months and what the vision is for the months ahead. RIG report
International conference on Governance and Democracy: an African Perspective (held in Rwanda 28-30 June 2012)
Available in English
Bukavu University Project Projet de lutte contre la corruption et les violences en milieux universitaires-BUKAVU